Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Karen is getting better each day. She woke up this morning asking for pain killers though, because she slept great but that meant she didn't take any pain meds in the middle of the night.

She's feeling better now, had her 'Kicks' (apparently not just for kids), her morning cup of coffee, and paid our quarterly tax bills. That might sound to you like an odd combination of stuff but is quite normal for Karen.

Tomorrow is the "Tumor Board". This is where about 25 experts on brain tumors sit around all day and review a few tumor cases. They'll look at Karen's scans, review the pathology of the cancer, and assess which forms of treatment will be best given the specifics of Karen's situation. Please pray for good results from Pathology and great options for treatment.

We'll we're about to watch the second season of 'Lost'. I know, I know, but it's not our fault. Mike and Michelle (Brother and Sis'n'Law) got us hooked when they gave us the first season on DVD. You know how it is. In times of crisis like this you find out what is really important to people :) I'll let you know what happens to Walt.



Marie said...

I already know what happened to Walt! Ha!

Anonymous said...

Praise God for the good night sleep! Karen, we miss you at co-op. We will keep praying for your complete healing.


Duchess of Fife said...

I have to admit I'm addicted to Lost too. I'm trying to convince Colin to let us hook the tv up just so I can watch again this season. I can't wait til you finish season 2, then we can talk island theories :)

We'll be praying for wisdom and God's guidance for the tumor board and for Karen's and your strength as well.

Anonymous said...

You know you just might have to start a "Lost" blog after this :o) We,too, in the Howard house, watch Lost every week. And we already know what happens to Walt. Of course, by now, so do you. We are rejoicing that you are feeling better everyday, Karen, and you are still in our thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

We haven't gotten into "Lost" but we have a family in MA very dear to us, Haleigh's godparents, their daughter Frannie had a brain tumor, is doing so well, and it is now 5 years later, the best gift we gave them was the tip to watch "24". Sometimes you just need to get away from it all, even if it is at the hands of Keifer Sutherland. We still send each other emails and updates, it has become quite an extension of the already fantastic relationship that we shared and continued to share. Have fun, be intrigued and escape.


Erik Wait said...

'Lost'? That isn't a Star Trek spin-off! Why would you want to watch that?

"`For I know the plans that I have for you,' declares the LORD, `plans for peace and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.'" (Jeremiah 29:11)