Sunday, April 22, 2007

Thanks again to all who continue to ask for updates and bring on blessings with your prayers! There isn't a whole lot new to report, but the MRI on Friday went well. It was even shorter than 3 hours this time, and I managed to sleep through a good portion of it. I'll be meeting this week again with my Radiation Oncologist to get a report and check in with him about my physical changes. I'll be getting weighed again too and seeing if my new diet additions are helping me to physically stabilize. On this coming Friday, I have a scheduled visit to a neuro-psychologist to investigate the surgery and radiation affects on my brain. For some reason I'm a little more stressed about that than I am about possibly finding more spinal spots. I'm pretty sure this week will go fine and smoothly though, and I continually thank the Lord for his work in me.


Melanie said...

Karen...I will certainly be praying for your appointments this week! Hang in there my friend!

It was soooo good to spend some time with you SAT and "see for myself" how well you are doing! You look great and I continue to be amazed at your strength and endurance! I know that you will God will continue to heal you and give you His grace. I love you lots and you are always in my thoughts and prayers!


Anonymous said...

Karen...continuing to pray for you.

Nan said...

Still checking in regularly. YOu are still in our thoughts and prayers.

Marie said...

Glad to hear the good news in the post above.

To gain weight, trying drinking a cup of melted butter for an apertif.

Oh yes, it will work. :)