Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I am full of joy to declare that after consistant long-term improvements and plenty for which to be thankful, today is the 6 month mark of time passed since my last day of radiation treament on December 28, 2006. Perhaps it is my imagination, but it feels like things are getting more and more back to normal. My weight is coming back to a less bony point, I haven't been quite as constantly thirsty, my ears are slightly more clear, my hair is growing enough for people who only see me weekly to make lots of comments (although I still have some bald spots!), and many more tiny bodily functional problems that seem to be gradually fading away. It is a relief to think of that difficult treatment being that far behind me. I am working hard again as a pianist and vocalist (and regular jogger!), trying to build up important habits and skills in this earthly existance. Far from least importance, I am constantly reminded of my need to improve in training and educating my 3 precious kiddos.

Today I will be getting yet another blood test, followed by an MRI on July 6th, followed by a follow-up appt. with my radiation doctor. I am anxious and interested to hear his input on my progress!

July will be a challenge because my husband will be out of town for most of the next 3 weeks. The children have plenty of activities as well that will keep things busy, and I need to set a joyful example for them in the midst of that. Please pray for my dear hubby's safety and for my own wisdom while we await his return.

Continuously, I thank the Lord for His tremendous blessings on and gifts to us!


Anonymous said...


So great to know that the six-month mark has come! How truly joyous it has been to see your return to health. We love you and continue to pray for God's blessing on you and your family. Let us know if you need anything while your hubby is away!

Kendra Fletcher said...

Yippee! Yippee! Yay God!

It's so good to see you each week smiling and praising God for His faithfulness.

HomemakerAng said...

so happy to hear you are feeling well and blessed! Praying and rootin for you!

Anonymous said...

Glad to read your latest news in print. Of course we pray for you more than daily and look forward to a "no cancer at all" report in the future, God willing of course! We pray for increased health, more energy and wise choices with the use of the energy you do have! We are so happy that you are so happy! love you GLOT...cheryl and peter