Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever. Give thanks to the God of gods. His love endures forever. Give thanks to the Lord of lords: His love endures forever. To him who alone does great wonders, His love endures forever. Who by his understanding made the heavens, His love endures forever. Who spread out the earth upon the waters, His love endures forever. Who made the great lights-- His love endures forever. The sun to govern the day, His love endures forever. The moon and stars to govern the night; His love endures forever.
Psalm 136:1-9
If our perspective were limited to the discomforts that Karen experienced each day, then this week we would have had reason to fear the future. As would be expected this far into her treatments each day gets just a little bit harder than the day before. The ‘sunburn’ on her head, neck, back and chest continues to deepen. What little hair she still has continues to dutifully fall out each day. The battle with her gag reflex is constant from the time she wakes until her head hits the pillow. By the end of the day her voice just sort of gives out and stops working except for muffled whispers.
However, (and that is a very important conjunction) God has been gracious to give us a better perspective. The daily discomforts are not all there is to Karen’s story, and even in the midst of these pains and discomforts God still provides her with everything she needs to make it through each moment.
To talk this way runs the risk of sounding like trite Pollyannaish optimism. That really is not our perspective at all. The perspective that Karen and I have been given is earthy and uncomfortable on the one hand and satisfying and glorious on the other hand. As with much of the Christian view of things, life is full of perfectly fit together paradoxes. These aren’t irrational leaps of faith, but a salty realization that as creatures we don’t know everything and we won’t be privy to all the answers even in Glory.
So we are left with that rushing anxious sense that we are falling through life, but not toward the unknown. We are falling into the hands of Christ our redeemer. Trusting in him is not irrational it is the most sane decision anyone can choose to make. And this trust extends not simply to the saving of our souls for eternity but also to the daily ordinary earthly concerns that make up most days. So I hope that what might sound like a “make the best of it” optimism can instead be understood in light of this greater context.
First, we are encouraged by the knowledge that with the close of each treatment we are another step closer to concluding the whole process. There is an end in sight. Furthermore, we found out on Friday that rather than an additional eight days, Karen only has to do an additional five. The extra three treatments might sound trifling, but no one would want to get punched even one more time than necessary and the same goes for having radiation pointed at your body.
Secondly, we are reminded every so often that the diagnosis and prognosis three months ago was dire and that God has already demonstrated his fatherly care in continuing to provide us with healing and a steady diet of good news. Things could be a lot worse, they appeared that way in the beginning, and we are glad that that was not the path God chose to have us walk right now.
Finally, we know that God is orchestrating this situation for his own good purposes. Though we don’t know why he needed to ordain things to come to pass exactly this way we are satisfied knowing that it is his hands that are fashioning our story.
We are very thankful that her last day will be the 26th of this month and that her complete healing can then begin. We are also looking forward to finding ways to bless you all. I shake my head in amazement daily at the truly remarkable generosity that you have all shown to us. I really do hope you all know how thankful we are for you. I know that you do not desire to receive anything in return for your kindness, but it will be nice to find ways to bless you all as the weeks, months and years wax on.
Merry Christmas indeed!
That is wonderful news!!!! Only 5 more days! Praise God that this chapter will soon be behind you and you can focus on resting and healing completely Karen! We continue to pray for you daily and thank God for all that He is doing on your behalf. You have been such a testimony to us and we consider it a priviledge to walk with you through this time in your life! I cannot tell you how much I admire your strength! You are one tough lady!
Lots and lots of hugs to you all!
This is wonderful news. Your family has blessed our church by your presence. Your church family is here for you now and forever.
Praying for you - always!
The Steadfast Love of the Lord Never Changes! We are Praising Him with You, and that these trements are almost over. And that the reports are good. Still Praying.
Merry Christmas, we love you all
Karen & Gary Hinshaw
David thank's for the Great job of keeping all of us posted, what a Ministry and Testimony
We are blessed to know you all, and to be able to share in this with you. Praising God with you is a HUGE blessing. Continuing to pray for His total healing and comfort for you is a blessing, too. Seeing Karen's beautiful countenance and radiant smile every Sunday morning blesses my socks off!! So happy to hear that the news continues to be good. Merry Christmas to all of you.
My Father does not put His children through tough things in life for no reason. The story Karen and David and their children are living is meant for others - for others who need to to see Jesus with skin on and to see the hand of strength that He offers in times of trouble. I pray Karen and David that you will take your story beyond this blog and touch many with the strength He has given you!
God Bless and Merry Christmas
Dennis & Shari
Oh I'm so thrilled to read that yout treatment is nearly over. Steven and I have been praying for you each night. You have been so brave and strong throughout this ordeal. As awful as I'm sure it has been, isn't it amazing to see God so real and so in your presence? When we are weak truly He is strong. Hang on sister, brighter days are ahead.
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